Sunday, January 15, 2012

In the still of the night

Ever have one of those really traumatic dreams that wakes you, completely wakes you, and scares you half to death?

You know the ones - something terrible usually happens to close ones in it. And you wake with a start, really upset, unable to get back to sleep for fear of the dream being some hallmark of reality, some kind of premonition?

It's the very early morning here, and I've just had one of those. Makes you realise that, for all the drudgery that may be present, should that dream become reality, your life would just become a withering shadow of what once was. But it also gives you a wake up call - perhaps there are important details that families need to share.

Where do you keep your important documents? Does your family (specifically those not living in the same house) have the important contact numbers of those who could keep things running on a short-term basis? Have you had the organ donation, and body wishes discussions?

Just something to ponder, in the still of the night....

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