Friday, January 13, 2012


Do you ever just feel that you want (need) to run away and escape elements of your life?

This feeling is not foreign to me, I've wanted to escape deranged men, runs of bad luck and bad health before. I've probably also wanted to escape financial challenges before. But not like this. I feel like I'm doing the right things, living an honest life, working hard (well, I AM on holidays right now hehe), not bludging off the system. I try to be fiscally sensible (and yes, it's taken me the better part of 2 years to reign that one in). But, at the end of the day, being a single parent, with a mortgage the size of the one I had when I was with my ex-husband and we were on 2 incomes, is a challenge.

I just feel like I'm taking one step forward, two steps backwards at the moment, and have done for the past while. I used to ignore those bills I couldn't afford, but then, as I was suffering depression, that's probably not all that surprising - when you're struggling day to day emotionally and mentally, sometimes it's just easier to ignore it. Not that that gets you anywhere ;-)

I use a modern approach to "money bags" for all my energy, rates bills etc, but I am still getting hit with these massive bills - in the week before Christmas, $400 in strata fees, $600 for the accountant (2 years...)...that I just can't cover with trying to cover the interest on my credit card (which i haven't used for quite some time, might I add, I'm just not getting the amount lowered because of the interest).

I guess right now, i just want to run away from my money problems.

Which got me thinking - where do you run away to? Physically? Mentally?
Me, I like to run away down south, or I run away from everyone and hibernate at home. I tend to up my yoga committment too.

So what do you do?

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