Sunday, January 3, 2010

How do you cope with the loneliness after separation?

The loneliness.

That's what's getting me. When you have lived with your partner for 7 years, and have had a child around for 2 1/2, to suddenly go to having no company whatsoever for half of the week is quite a shock to the system. I can't fathom how those who separate after 20-30 years together cope.

It's not only going from living with someone, it's also a move back to a city after 9 months away. People have moved on. They have their own lives. That don't, as a general rule, involve socialising with you. My mother included. But that's another story...

I don't know why I expected that perhaps my close friends and family might actually ask me for dinner, or told me to call if I wanted company. I am so used to not asking for help. Doing everything and coping with everything on my own. I have made a more conscious effort over the past 6-8 weeks to ask for help. To admit when I feel low and need company. But I really feel I was better off before, surviving on my own. You don't suffer the disappointment of asking for help, admitting weakness, and being turned down.

So, tell me, how do you cope with the loneliness after separation? Today I've done yoga on a DVD in the house sitting house I'm at. I've gotten out of the house, driven around to look at furniture for my new house, been to my new house to take photo's, done some work, read the paper, walked to the deli down the road, washed my car, blow dried my hair, asked for company in going to the outdoor cinema tonight via facebook and text messages (clearly to no avail, judging by the time I'm writing this). All of my stuff is in storage, so I can't really get into one of my hobbies.

Really, tell me, how do you cope? Does it get any better?

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