Thursday, January 7, 2010

Back in the game

I find myself back on the single scene. After a month or so of receiving much attention from a few interested parties (interested only in one thing, though), I find I am not interested in receiving attention of that sort any longer. I want to spend time with persons who want to spend time with me - not just for that 3 letter word.

I have made a vow to myself not to get into a relationship again any time soon, and to learn to live alone and be single, get to know me as me, not me in a relationship. Re-learn what I like in life, live the life I want to live.

However, I have found myself spending some time with a person. A person whose company I greatly enjoy. A person who I feel at ease with, and feel that conversation flows naturally with him. Questions have been raised about whether my meetings with this person constitute 'dates', and I have questions in my own mind regarding whether this person is 'just a friend', whether he is at all interested in more, and if he is, if he's happy to take it slow.

The first occasion we spent time together was almost 2 weeks ago. We were texting, I said if he wanted to catch up for a drink to let me know, he said he was headed to the beach and I was welcome to join him for a drink. So I did. He bought me a drink, then I reciprocated for round 2. We spent about 3 hours together, just talking. It was good. It was easy. Cheek kiss goodbye. Here, we need to remember that this man has kissed me once before. We've both been burnt, so I imagine that this is 'taking it slow' if this is 'seeing' someone???

We had a couple of texts in the following week, with me not getting responses to a couple of mine, so I thought he wasn't interested. Then Wednesday night, I received a text asking how my day was. We texted some more, he mentioned he was headed out to his house sitting house, and I was aware he needed to drive right past mine. I offered coffee, he came, we had 2, he said he'd go to a movie with me, and again we spent 2 1/2 hours chatting. Cheek kiss goodbye again.

Honestly, I don't know if these constitute dates, if he's interested as anything more than a friend etc. Thoughts???

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