Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Oh, how to come to make a decision?

I no sooner think my mind is made up, and I am taking one fork in the road, than I begin reminiscing and ponder a return to the other path. But is it that reminiscing, that romanticising about the good times, that clouds the reality? Or is it that 'grass is greener', that tints the shades of a dream of a possible future? Oh, for the invention of rose-coloured glasses. It would be so much easier to see it as it is, and not be influenced by the reminiscing or 'grass is greener'.

Is a decision ever so cut and dried? Are the only 2 paths? Not merely to my current situation, but to all of our questions in general. Or can there be variables on those paths? To the outsider, looking in, it would seem that there are only 2 options. But different paths can look like different things to different people. Just because the only 2 people I currently relate to ended up on a negative, agonising path, doesn't mean that my path has to look that way also. Along one path, it may not appear as happy families all the time. It may be littered with bumps, cracks and muddy patches along the seemingly happy, 'society approves' path. Along the other, it may appear as two parties who manage to allow room for each others' happiness, relying on each other, looking out for each other...whereas for others, this would be a situation they could not relate to.

Or, perhaps a decision does not need to be made yet? Perhaps one could delay the decision making altogether? Oh, wouldn't that be lovely. If it weren't for the constant exhaustion involved in the contemplation and thinking, I think this would absolutely be my preferred option!

What paths are you currently faced with? Are there only 2, or are there variables? How have you made up your mind?

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