Thursday, August 27, 2009

What are my "big questions"?

Lately I find myself thinking too much, talking too much, and asking myself (& my friends, family & acquaintances) many, many questions. They seem to be "bigger picture" questions. Almost questions of someone who's at a point where they're re-assessing their seemingly perfect life, wondering what really is it that matters?

How do people effectively separate home life & work life?
Why does society judge a working mother (or a stay-at-home one, for that matter, or a stay-at-home father?)?
Why doesn't society understand the repercussions and pain involved with infertility?
How does one's child make them feel as if they've just placed the last piece of the puzzle?
What does it mean when you feel more valued at work than you do at home?
What is it that makes a happy marriage?
Is there something to do with my age that's making me re-evaluate?
Why do people expect another sibling to be around the corner after the first is born?
Why do people choose to ignore unpleasant things as opposed to respectfully discussing them?

Whilst they entertain me, & engage in the discussions to some extent, I feel somewhat as if I am taking away some of their all-too-precious time (no sarcasm intended, it's a mere observation of the way our lives all seem to be headed). Where to go to, then, to work through these ideas, and gather thoughts?

Why, here, of course!!

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