Friday, August 28, 2009

More questions

I don't know that I'm quite ready to delve into answering questions - I seem to be hung up on forming more.

I did persue some answers this morning, answers to questions on marriage, being a wife, and forming successful partnerships. I fully intend sharing those tomorrow, when I have been able to articulate more what I've found.

I enjoyed the company of a couple of lovely like-women this morning - both with children under 2, and both 30-odd-ish. Both with a level of understanding regarding the feeling of being un-sexy, under-valued, and lacking in receiving physical affection from their romantic partner. However, that is where the similarities ended. Whilst they echoed many of my thoughts, and could relate to feeling 'without', for them it is merely a fleeting moment. For me, it seems to be the one thing I keep coming back to, and the catalyst for many of my big questions of late.

Which leaves me with more questions:

Are men and women built differently when it comes to physicality in a relationship?

I believe it's not a men/women difference, I believe it's something to do with relationship styles...actually, likely to do with something along the lines of Gary Chapman's Five Love Languages.

Why do relationships ebb & flow?

How can we better hear each other?

How do successful marriages deal with the issues I am currently facing with my husband?

What options are there when certain needs can not be fulfilled in the marital relationship?

Is there really one soul mate for us, and if so, is that person a romantic soul mate, or otherwise?

So, with those questions set free, I shall tomorrow embark on some answers.

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