Thursday, July 1, 2010

Che Sara Sara

Whatever will be, will be...

Or so the saying goes. Over the past 2 months, I've found the person I thought to be the love of my life - not 10 days after my previous post.

I could write exactly what I wrote last post - that it's been a whirlwind few months. And it has.
That I'm completely and utterly exhausted. And I am.
That to detail all that has happened in the past months would take an eternity, and would exhaust you just to read. And it would.

Suffice to say that I've met someone very special to me, someone with whom a whirlwind romance and intense love affair ensued. However, it would appear that there are great difficulties and hurdles to be overcome in establishing a relationship with another who is also a single-parent, recently separated, and is still finding their way in all that envelops that. Over the past week, it's been decided that 'friends is best' for us both for now. Can it work? I'll not know until I've tried. But I do know that I do not want this person (we'll refer to him as IrishGuy for the purposes of this blog) out of my life.

As for the other two I've spoken of before - we'll refer to the friend who'd come for dinner as "1", and the other, the "within the 4 walls of the bedroom" one, as "Phone guy". 1 is still around, has been for dinner again, and come out with my friends and I a few weeks ago. He's made it clear he's not interested in a relationship. Phone Guy is still texting and trying to get an in, however I stand by my stance that I do not want him in my bedroom. I've experienced great love with IrishGuy, and won't settle for anything less.

I'm taking off this evening for a week abroad with good friends, to celebrate our impending (and recently celebrated) 30th birthdays. I'm excited by the prospect of seeing a new city, and feel relief at the notion that I'll (hopefully) be blessed with 6 nights of sleep, uninterrupted by child or dogs. Massages, shopping, bars, cafes. Good company. It's what's got me through. It's what I've had to look forward to. And now it's here.

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